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Our Firm

​Our first job is to listen....


​    It's a little ironic.  As attorneys, we are professional talkers.  But the best attorneys do at least as much listening as they do talking.  We know that when people find themselves in the middle of a legal problem, the first thing they want to do is sit down with someone who will listen to the whole story.  We promise you that we will take the time to meet with you and to learn about your legal issue and all of its implications.


       Our attorneys have spent over two decades serving clients in state and federal courts across the Southeast.  We have counseled and represented individuals, and businesses in a variety of settings.  And if we can't help you with your legal issue, we'll make every effort to help you find the attorney who is the right fit.


      We welcome your phone call or email.  We welcome the chance to serve you.



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